Vote for the wildlife photograph of the year

The Happy Turtle. A dragonfly unexpectedly lands on the nose of a Balkan turtle, Jezreel Valley, Israel. Image: Tzahi Finkelstein/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Nature fans from around the world are invited to vote for their favourite image to win the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award.

Water features in many of the 25 shortlisted images, including a mudskipper fish defending its territory in Roebuck Bay, Australia; a grizzly bear fishing for salmon in the Chilko River, Canada; moon jellyfish swarming in a fjord in Norway; and a turtle playfully interacting with a dragonfly in Jezreel Valley, Israel.

Neighbourhood Dispute - a mudskipper fiercely defends its territory from a trespassing crab in Roebuck Bay, Australia. Image: Ofer Levy/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The photographs were chosen by the Natural History Museum, London, and an international judging panel from 49,957 entries from 95 countries.

Douglas Gurr, director of the Natural History Museum says, “Wildlife Photographer of the Year’s People’s Choice Award always offers an astounding selection of images, and this year is no different.

"We invite the public to join the jury and vote for their favourite. Whether breathtaking beauty or a powerful story, it’s sure to be a difficult decision.”

Looking At Me, Looking At You - a grizzly bear glances at the camera while fishing for salmon in the Chilko River, British Columbia, Canada. Image: John E Marriott/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The public can vote for their favourite image either online at or in person at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History Museum. Voting closes on 31 January 2024.

Missed Sip of Milk - a humpback whale calf misses some of its mother’s milk, in the currents off the coast of Rurutu, French Polynesia. Image: Karim Iliya/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The winner and top four images will be announced in February 2024 and displayed online, joining the winners of the 59th competition announced earlier this year.

Rubbish Drinks - a Celebes crested macaque investigates the contents of a plastic bottle from a pile ready for recycling, Tangkoko Batuangus Nature Reserve, Indonesia. Image: Claire Waring/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Aurora Jellies. Moon jellyfish swarm in the cool autumnal waters of a fjord outside Tromsø in northern Norway illuminated by the aurora borealis. Image: Audun Rikardsen/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The 60th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition is currently open for entries to photographers of all ages, nationalities and experience until 7 December 2023.

Ice Bed -a polar bear carves out a bed from a small iceberg before drifting off to sleep, off Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. Image: Nima Sarikhan/Wildlife Photographer of the Year.